Writing & Marketing & Business
Make Your Books Beautiful
...You can export all types of books at once. You can do multiple eBook formats and print as well or you have the option to do only one type of format.
With a print book it is fixed and static. With an ebook, it will be fluid and can be manipulated by the viewer to see fonts larger or smaller as needed.
Having Vellum detect the chapters is really a help because rather that give a static page number it creates a link to that chapter that doesn’t change. Awesome since the page number is fluid...
You Need a Writing Team
...It is important to not rush any step of this process. Take your time with rewrites and using a grammar program. Then when you get it to a live person, either a free team or a professional editor, it will be much easier for them to do their job.
You can’t have too many people read and mark your manuscript. My process is to let one person read it, then make those corrections. Then I give it to another persona and so on. One of the last people I let read and review the manuscripts is a woman who was and English professor at a university for many years.
Don't rush this process. I promise you will...
Everyone Needs A Fixer
...Using ProWriting Aid has made me a better writer. I ignored many suggestions the program made in my first novel. I thought I knew better.
What Exactly is Scapple?
I recommend this for everyone!
- Keeping notes...
- Keeping recipes...
- Keeping a business organized...
...The trouble with the notebook was that I would quickly run out of room and have to start a new sheet. Then I was flipping back and forth from page to page looking for an idea or whose son or daughter that person was.
With Scapple I can move them around and link them like a family tree. I can even put character notes by each one.
If I want to add pictures or copy and paste from an internet search, I can do that to all while keeping them on one page....
The Writing Program I Love!
...As you can see in my example above of a screenshot of my book The Water. I had maps and definitions, etc. to refer to as needed. Notice on the left hand side is my list of chapters and the sections in each chapter. I can go from one to the other simply by clicking on it.
There is so much more that I have not even used. It has so many more features that I would love to explore and plan to soon. It is truly a Ferrari in a Pinto world...
Creating a Publishing Company
My Writing Origins - pt 2
...Now, writing that first novel is not my favorite writing experience. I had an agenda and I get trying to force the story to fit the agenda. It was a mess. It was stiff and disjointed.
Once done, I knew I did not like the first half. So of course I set out praying about it. God’s words from year ago came back to me, “Just tell the story.”
At that point I asked for divine guidance to help me edit the mess I had created in the first half of the book...
My Writing Origins - pt 1
Our instructions were to write a story from that picture. She gave us guidelines for length, and scope, etc. It was to be a short story, not just a page or two.
Immediately when I looked at that picture I knew it was the end of my story. I began to write feverishly. I had the story and I worked to just get it out of my head and onto the paper...
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