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Inspirational & Motivational

Do Something Different

Check Engine Light - is yours on?
Let me ruffle some more feathers here (I seem to be so good at it). I take issue with the little ‘ask Jesus into your heart’ prayers we tack on to the end of our religious box sessions. That does not lead to being born again. At best, it may allow those saying it to realize that there is a need in their life to allow Jesus to help them change and by saying that prayer sincerely they are acknowledging that something in their life needs to change and they give that to Jesus, which is amazing. But...

Religion - A Dead Man Walking
I Believe In Miracles

My Life of Miracles - Pt 16
After several years of this, my father had had enough and rebelled against church and therefore God. My grandparents divorced when my father was a teenager and he moved to Arizona to live with his dad.
Through the years as I was growing up, my dad did not want to talk about God or religion. All those years of religious activity had soured him so completely on what he thought was required to be a Christian that he wanted no part of it.
But I...

My Life of Miracles - Pt 15
Sometime around 1984 my dad was having trouble swallowing. They went to many different doctors in an attempt to get a diagnosis. There were some crazy suggestions, none of which were right.
Since my mother’s brother was an MD, he did a referral to MD Anderson Hospital in Houston, TX. You couldn’t get in without one.
Within just a few moments with Dr. Gepfort he found...

My Life of Miracles - Pt 14
Writing, Marketing, & Business

Surprise Excerpt From Carrie Border - The Prequel
Since I've release The Box, I am feverishly back at work on Carrie Border - The Prequel.
This novel will take you back to just before Carrie became an OSBI agent. Details of the trauma she faced with her parents and her fiance Billy will be explained.
Not only that, her first case with the OSBI (Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation) will be an incredibly complicated and intriguing one. She couldn't cut her investigative teeth on one more challenging.
It is hard to imagine after reading The Redemption Series and The Box that Carrie was ever anything but gutsy and courageous, but as a new agent, she was trying to find her foothold, which she firmly does in this first case.
I've teased about a 'new' character being revealed in this novel. However, it is some one you should know if you have read all my books. I have plans to develop a series them as the lead and maybe Carrie popping in from time to time.
I also have other ideas where they can possibly work full time together in a time span that would take place after The Redemption Series.
Here is a treat for my newsletter only readers. An excerpt from Carrie Border - The Prequel...

Elusive Perfection
Sometimes being a perfectionist is infuriating. I’ve gotten so many accolades through the years for my excellent work product that is it easy for my chest to puff up.
I set out to write ‘perfect’ books. —Cough Cough—
Little did I know what a humbling experience that would be.