I Believe In Miracles

My Life of Miracles - pt 11
...As I watched my five or six month old baby, I saw a huge centipede crawl from up under his back and up around his tummy. In a mother’s panic I started to just reach out and grab that centipede off of him...

My Life of Miracles - pt 10
...As she sat down she had sat on one end of the centipede and then the centipede proceeded to keep popping it’s other end up and biting her on her bottom. It happened fast, but there were three or four distinct bites and they were causing her excruciating pain.
Her bottom was beginning to swell and I didn’t know what to do. I quickly went down to my mom’s house where she and my husband both were. Everyone was very alarmed because just in the very short half mile ride the swelling and redness had increased...