Writing & Marketing & Business
Top 5 Mistakes I Made As An New Entrepreneur
As an early entrepreneur in my twenties I made a lot of mistakes. Here are my top 5.
#1 - Lack of Confidence in What I Was Doing
It has been decades since I began my first tiny business. It was way before the internet and the ease of access to do things yourself.
I opened a small craft and flower shop in the small town where I lived. I didn’t have fresh flowers, only silk which was a very big deal at that time.
My time was spent doing the craft items and floral arrangements I made. I did keep my bookkeeping up to date in a large ledger book though.
But, when it came to...
Words I Hate!
If you have spent five minutes on social media you have seen a flurry of ads. Many promise you the sun, the moon, and the stars.
They are so good at getting you to believe that what they have to sell to you will change your life, solve your problem, or revolutionize your life. So, you almost click (or do click) that button.
If you have ever done that...
Are You A Dabbler?
That is the worst kind of dabbler. Someone who loves their hobby or unique skill set and yet won’t take the chance to make it their career.
Maiden Voyage
I’ve coached women for years on how to start, market, and grow in business.
I’ve also been asked about publishing. I’m always happy to share because it is my passion to...